
Biomonitoramento e bioindicaores


Carga horária: 45 horas-aula 

Ementa: Espécies indicadoras da saúde ambiental; Variação quali-quantitativa de organismos indicadores de mudanças ambientais; estudos de diagnose e impacto ambiental através de indicadores ecológicos; impacto de poluentes sobre espécies bioindicadoras; qualidade ambiental aquática. 

Bibliografia: Jamil, Kaiser. (2001) Bioindicators and Biomarkers of Envioronmental Pollution and Risk Assessment. Science Publishers. 204p. Treweed. J. (2001) Ecological Impact Assessment. Blackwell Science. 351p. Schmitt, E. & Osenberg, C.W. (1996). Detecting Ecological Impacts – Concepts and applications in coastal habitats. Academic Press. 401p. Freedman, B. (1995) Environmental Ecology: the ecological effects of pollution, disturbance, and other stresses. 606p. Hollnagel, Woods,D.D e Levenson,N.(2006). Resilience Engineering: Precepts and Concepts. London, Ashgate. Perrow C. (2007). The next catastrophe: Reducing our vulnerabilities to natural, industrial and terrorist disasters. Princeton university press. Dekker, S. (2007). Just Culture: balancing safety and accountability. London Ashgate. Weick, K. and Sutc cliffe K. (2007) Managing the unexpected: resilient performance in the age of uncertainty. John Wiley & Sons.