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EEA701 Biomonitoramento e bioindicadores

DISCIPLINA: Biomonitoramento e bioindicadores 



PROFESSOR(A): Cristina Aparecida Gomes Nassar e Sergio Luis Costa Bonecker 


Espécies indicadoras da saúde ambiental; Variação quali-quantitativa de organismos indicadores de mudanças ambientais; estudos de diagnose e impacto ambiental através de indicadores ecológicos; impacto de poluentes sobre espécies bioindicadoras; qualidade ambiental aquática. 


Abdel-Aziz, N.; Shalaby, S. & El-Bakry, A. “Uso de Bioindicadores para Monitorização da Poluição por Pesticidas”. 88p. 2021. 

Nkwoii, J. Biomonitoring and the ecological indictors in coastal waters. Amazon. 125p. 2022. 

Jamil, Kaiser. (2001) Bioindicators and Biomarkers of Environmental Pollution and Risk Assessment. Science Publishers. 204p. 

Treweed. J. (2001) Ecological Impact Assessment. Blackwell Science. 351p. 

Schmitt, E. & Osenberg, C.W. (1996). Detecting Ecological Impacts – Concepts and applications in coastal habitats. Academic Press. 401p. 

Freedman, B. (1995) Environmental Ecology: the ecological effects of pollution, disturbance, and other stresses. 606p. 

Hollnagel, Woods,D.D e Levenson,N.(2006). Resilience Engineering: Precepts and Concepts. London, Ashgate. Perrow C. (2007). The next catastrophe: Reducing our vulnerabilities to natural, industrial and terrorist disasters. Princeton university press. 

Dekker, S. (2007). Just Culture: balancing safety and accountability. London Ashgate. Weick, K. and Sutc cliffe K. (2007) Managing the unexpected: resilient performance in the age of uncertainty. John Wiley & Sons.